pelvic pain
Pelvic masses are common occurrences for women that often lead to a visit with a surgeon. Many women who feel a lump or a mass in their pelvic area find it while lying in bed. Other women notice their stomach gets bigger despite trying to lose weight. Some women describe a heavy feeling, as though… Read More
Pelvic pain is an enormously complex problem affecting many women. Pain can be sharp, dull, or crampy, and it can be cyclical, intermittent, or constant. Pain is also personal to each individual- what one woman might describe as pain, another might describe as discomfort. The type of pain you experience varies based on your condition…. Read More
Known as the “silent killer,” ovarian cancer can sneak up on a woman with vague symptoms that mimic other common benign conditions. Abdominal or pelvic discomfort, urinary urgency, constipation, and pelvic fullness are common. But these same symptoms can occur from something as innocuous as a urinary tract infection or as common as diverticulitis. However,… Read More